The time has come to announce the finalists in our March Contest for Authors. We asked authors to tell us why they needed a free TLC Book Tour, and tell us they did, with limericks and riddles and offers of chocolate chip cookies, among other things!
We’ve been reading through the entries as they came in and dreading having to choose. WHO KNEW they would be so good, and so different, and that it would be this difficult to narrow down the entrants to 5 finalists!? We loved them all!
But, decide we must… so here they are, in random order. Now it is YOUR TURN to choose! Please vote on your favorite entry (one vote only, please.) The author who receives the most votes will win a free tour. We will announce the winner on April 15th, 2012.
Rayme Waters, author of The Angels’ Share, writes:
Her imagination packed,
Got a fairytale ending
Including a book contract
Now she’s written a novel
About love, meth and wine
To be published by Winter Goose
In late summertime
With hope and luck and
Bootstraps galore,
This author dreams of a TLC tour
Delivering readers to her timeless story
Of a young woman overcoming trouble
And going for glory
Nichole Bernier, author of The Unfinished Work of Elizabeth D, writes:
“How are you going to travel for a book tour?” asks my husband. “What about the nights I have to be away on business?”
We look across the room where the 11yo is having a pillow fight with the 6yo, and the 9yo is trying to sneak Girl Scout cookies before dinner. The 2yo is crying because, moments before, the 4yo had his finger knuckle-deep in his ear and announced proudly, “I can touch his brain!”
We’ve enlisted my parents for one week with the kids, and there will be some other piecemeal travel. But the bulk of my book promotion will need to be via social media, the same beautiful tool that let a stay-at-home mom of five network in the publishing business and get this far. Because of twitter and blogs, my kitchen has been a conference room, a cocktail party, a water cooler.
God bless the internets.
Jacqueline E. Luckett, author of Passing Love, writes:
Reasons written by moonlight
Shadows wait for dawn
1. 8 years after my divorce, my mother still prays I’ll find a wealthy man and remarry. Forget him! I need exposure that translates to sales and another book deal.
2. No publisher’s marketing budget for my novel. I’m on my own (maybe I do need that wealthy guy!).
3. So I can launch my “Tell 10 to Tell 10” campaign.
4. My 89-year-old mother needs more posts for the scrapbook for her unborn grandchildren.
5. Smack dab in the middle of my life, I finally know my passion. I need help spreading the word.
6. Maybe I’ll find a wealthy man for my mother to marry.
I promise batches of my mother’s chocolate chip cookies and undeniably addictive peanut brittle. You’ll want more and beg me to be in the Final Five, as I am your only access to these tasty treats.

A.G. Howard, author of the young adult fantasy Splintered, writes:
- Inspired by Lewis Carroll’s perplexing riddle, “Why is a raven like a writing desk?”, I offer my book tour plea: I need a tour like a raven needs a writing desk; for what good is an endless supply of ink-tipped quills, without a platform to build the book upon?
Mary Demuth, author of Everything: What You Give and What You Gain to Become Like Jesus, writes:
There once lived a writer named Mary,
Who published 12 books—very scary.
She promoted and signed,
In ten bookstores with lines.
Her promo zeal soon morphed to “wary.”
She wrote yet another fun book,
Not merely for Kindle and Nook.
She thrilled at the cover,
A white heart that did hover,
On a turquoise-blue background for looks
Thomas Nelson (her publisher) declared
“About TLC Book Tours, we care!
Would you write a few lines,
Perhaps throw in a rhyme?
Adding humor and laughs if you dare?”
So Mary whose last name’s DeMuth,
Took a swig of some aging vermouth.
She pecked and she typed,
Her brow she did wipe,
For it’s so hard to rhyme with DeMuth.
Her book has a title that boasts
Of a subject much broader than toast
It’s called EVERYTHING
Which has a lovely, sweet ring
But it needs a free blog tour the most!
READERS! We’ve changed the voting format today (Apr 3), but don’t worry, all previous 608 votes will be included in the final tally.
Please vote (only once) for your favorite entry.
Thaisa Frank says
Jacqueline Luckett is by far the best writer. It will be good for TLC to have her! thanks again for all your great help with Heidegger’s Glasses! It became a top Kindle seller, among other things! Thaisa
Martin Crosbie says
I vote for the very good story “Splintered” by A.G. Howard.
Katherine Ernst says
A.G. Howard, author of the young adult fantasy Splintered.
Love the comparison!
donna says
Jacqueline Luckett–Passing Love
Alma Katsu says
I vote for Nichole Bernier!
Rachel Lipp says
I vote for #1, Rayme Waters
Denise Railey says
I vote for Nichole Bernier. She made/makes me laugh. “I can touch his brain!” Hilarious.
Katherine says
I LOVE Mary!
Louise says
Best of luck, Nichole! Looking forward to reading your book!
Gilles Bommart says
Bonne chance Nichole tu es la meilleure
Sheila Olson says
The number of balls Nichole keeps in the air while writing and supporting other writers is amazing. Best of luck, Nichole!
Alyson says
Can’t wait to read the unfinished work of elizabeth d. I predict this will be “the” book to read this summer!
Don Diltz says
Rayme Waters!!!
Susan Burleson says
Mary DeMuth is the best.
Melissa Ford says
Good luck Mary! You are truly a talented author and you deserve to win.
Mary DeMuth says
Thanks for the opportunity. I’m thrilled I’m a finalist.
Helen says
I can’t wait to read Mary’s newest book!
Cindie Thonas says
I vote for Mary DeMuth
Cara @ WhimsySmitten says
Rooting for Mary! She invests so much of herself into developing and encouraging other writers and other women, and her work is amazing. I’d love to see her get this.
Carol J. Smith says
Best wishes to all the authors but it looks like Mary has over 500 votes above the others. Never heard of a free TLC book tour…congratulations! Looking forward to reading some of the books but for now I am very committed to writing so I can be on a TLC book tour!
S. Kim Henson says
Go, Mary!
Abby says
love Mary!
Cheryl Fairbank says
I just love Mary DeMuth!
Her’s rings “Best!” to THIS limerick sleuth.
And with words, she has this way
In a few words, I could truthfully say
Her words take me back to my youth.
Diane says
As a mom and a reviewer of children’s and parenting books, I can say that Nichole Bernier nails it on both counts: beautiful writing AND capturing exactly the highs and lows of parenthood, marriage, and friendship. I’m thrilled to vote for her and hope she wins the virtual tour!
Judy (JP) Fleming says
I think (I KNOW) Mary’s got HEART! Get it? HEART!!!
Good luck,to Mary, Judy (JP)
Nichole Bernier says
Thank you, TLC and voters! What a great opportunity. I appreciate it!
Anita Howard says
I appreciate the chance to be in the running, and am humbled to be in the company of these talented writers! Thank you. 🙂
Mercedes Northen says
Best wishes for Rayme – I am so much looking forward to read The Angels Share, sounds like an amazing story!!!
Lorreen Hollingsworth says
Nichole does it all and makes it look easy. I know this book tour would be a dream come true for her. Good luck, Nichole. You deserve this!!! And I can’t wait to read “The Unfinished Work of Elizabeth D.”
Tina Ruzzo says
Mary Demuth is the best of the bestest!!!!
ELena Rover says
I vote for Nichole Bernier.
Lois Kim says
I vote for Rayme Water. Go Rayme!!
Eva says
Rayme waters is so the best. She has put do much working into the book. Go RAYME!!!!!