About Weird But Normal
• Paperback: 272 pages
• Publisher: HarperOne (May 19, 2020)
Birth control. Body hair removal cream. Boobs. It’s all weird, but also pretty normal.
Navigating racial identity, gender roles, workplace dynamics, and beauty standards, Mia Mercado’s hilarious essay collection explores the contradictions of being a millennial woman, which usually means being kind of a weirdo. Whether it’s spending $30 on a candle that smells like an ocean that doesn’t exist, offering advice on how to ask about someone’s race (spoiler: just don’t, please?), quitting a job that makes you need shots of whiskey on your lunch break, or finding a more religious experience in the skincare aisle at Target than your hometown Catholic church, Mia brilliantly unpacks what it means to be a professional, absurdly beautiful, horny, cute, gross human. Essays include:
• Depression Isn’t a Competition but Why Aren’t I Winning?
• My Dog Explains My Weekly Schedule
• Mustache Lady
• White Friend Confessional
• Treating Objects Like Women
With sharp humor and wit, Mia shares the awkward, uncomfortable, surprisingly ordinary parts of life, and shows us why it’s strange to feel fine and fine to feel strange.
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Please use the hashtag #weirdbutnormal, and tag @tlcbooktours, @harperonebooks, and @mia.market.
Purchase Links
HarperCollins | Amazon | Barnes & Noble

About Mia Mercado
MIA MERCADO is a writer whose work focuses on intersectional feminism and identity politics. She is a staff writer for Bustle and her work has also been featured in The New Yorker, the New York Times, McSweeney’s, Reductress, Bust, The American Bystander, Gizmodo, and The Hairpin.
Find out more about Mia at her website, and connect with her on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram.
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