Match Made in Manhattan by Amanda Stauffer
Sunday, May 27th: @toborroworbuy
Falling for You by Becky Wade
Sunday, May 27th: @booknerdingout
Sunday, May 27th: @willbakeforbooks
Herons Landing by JoAnn Ross – Instagram tour
Sunday, May 27th: @thesketchyreader
Bound by Alexandrea Weis and Lucas Astor
Sunday, May 27th: Instagram: @thecityofdarkclockwork
Monday, May 28th: Instagram: @novelreality
How Far She’s Come by Holly Brown – Instagram tour
Sunday, May 27th: Instagram: @biblio_files
Monday, May 28th: Instagram: @brookesbooksandbrews
All the Ever Afters by Danielle Teller – Instagram tour
Sunday, May 27th: Instagram:
Monday, May 28th: Instagram: @_ebl_inc_
Tuesday, May 29th: Instagram: @lavieestbooks
By Invitation Only by Dorothea Benton Frank
Monday, May 28th: Broken Teepee
Tuesday, May 29th: Jathan & Heather
Wednesday, May 30th: Literary Quicksand
A Sin Such as This by Ellen Hopkins
Monday, May 28th: @novelgrounds and Novel Grounds
Tuesday, May 29th: Palmer’s Page Turners
Tuesday, May 29th: The Lit Bitch
Wednesday, May 30th: From the TBR Pile
Cocoa Beach by Beatriz Williams
Monday, May 28th: Wining Wife
Tuesday, May 29th: Instagram: @writersdream
Wednesday, May 30th: Instagram: @tbretc
The Widow’s Watcher by Eliza Maxwell – review tour
Monday, May 28th: Midwest Ladies Who Lit
Tuesday, May 29th: Books a la Mode – author guest post
Wednesday, May 30th: Jessicamap Reviews
Thursday, May 31st: From the TBR Pile
Herons Landing by JoAnn Ross – review tour
Monday, May 28th: I Wish I Lived in a Library
Tuesday, May 29th: Bookmark Lit
Wednesday, May 30th: Stranded in Chaos
Thursday, May 31st:
How Far She’s Come by Holly Brown – review tour
Monday, May 28th: Instagram: @bookishwinterwitch
Tuesday, May 29th: Will Read Anything
Wednesday, May 30th: Ms. Nose in a Book
Thursday, May 31st: Helen’s Book Blog
The Weaver’s Daughter by Sarah E. Ladd
Monday, May 28th: A Chick Who Reads
Tuesday, May 29th: Diary of a Stay at Home Mom
Wednesday, May 30th: Thoughts from a Highly Caffeinated Mind
Thursday, May 31st: Reviews from the Heart
Friday, June 1st: The Sketchy Reader
Matchmaking for Beginners by Maddie Dawson – review tour
Monday, May 28th: A Bookish Way of Life
Tuesday, May 29th: Bewitched Bookworms
Tuesday, May 29th: BookNAround
Wednesday, May 30th: What is That Book About – guest post
Thursday, May 31st: Kahakai Kitchen
Friday, June 1st: Not in Jersey
I am Justice by Diana Munoz Stewart
Monday, May 28th: Books & Spoons
Tuesday, May 29th: Reading Reality
Wednesday, May 30th: The Book Disciple
Thursday, May 31st: What is That Book About – spotlight
Friday, June 1st: Moonlight Rendezvous
Friday, June 1st: @novelgrounds
Friday, June 1st: @booknerdingout
A Risk Worth Taking by Brynn Kelly
Monday, May 28th: Books & Bindings
Tuesday, May 29th: Mystery Suspense Reviews
Wednesday, May 30th: OMG Reads – excerpt
Friday, June 1st: Stuck in Books
Friday, June 1st: @brokenteepee
The Widow’s Watcher by Eliza Maxwell – Instagram tour
Monday, May 28th: @suspensethrill
Tuesday, May 29th: @ladyofthelibrary
Wednesday, May 30th: @booknerdnative
Wednesday, May 30th: @bookishconnoisseur
Thursday, May 31st: @girlandherbooks
Thursday, May 31st: @jessislibrary
Friday, June 1st: @createexploreread
Saturday, June 2nd: @brookesbooksandbrews
Matchmaking for Beginners by Maddie Dawson – Instagram tour
Monday, May 28th: @girlsinbooks
Monday, May 28th: @booknerdingout
Tuesday, May 29th: @createexploreread
Wednesday, May 30th: @beccasbookishlife
Thursday, May 31st: @spinatale
Friday, June 1st: @bribookishconfessions
Saturday, June 2nd: @ladyofthelibrary
Saturday, June 2nd: @jessislibrary
All the Ever Afters by Danille Teller – review tour
Monday, May 28th: Instagram: @Novelmombooks
Tuesday, May 29th: Stranded in Chaos
Thursday, May 31st: Broken Teepee
Because I’m Worth It by Linda Nielsen
Monday, May 28th: Instagram: @jessicamap
Wednesday, May 30th: A Chick Who Reads
The Garden of Blue Roses by Michael Barsa
Tuesday, May 29th: SJ2B House of Books
Thursday, May 31st: Sweet Southern Home
Blackout by Alex Segura
Wednesday, May 30th: Thoughts On This ‘n That
It Takes Death to Reach a Star by Stu Jones and Gareth Worthington
Wednesday, May 30th: From the TBR Pile
Thursday, May 31st: The Desert Bibliophile
Friday, June 1st: Instagram: @notthepathtonarnia
A Handbook for Beautiful People by Jennifer Spruit
Friday, June 1st: Instagram: @prose_and_palate